Monday, December 21, 2009

Fall Activities For the Preschool Classroom & Preschool Children

School-age children are back in school and in the autumn is here for most of us. What can we as parents, educators and Early Childhood Home Care provider to do?

Get the children into a "school" as routine. This will help our children learn routine, and help to equip them better when they begin primary school.

If you are on a day-care opportunities are the focus of this work has a routine to work for them, such as preparing for the breaks, lunch, etc. If you are at home or in search of aChange in daily routine, here is an example idea.

Selected dates:


6.30-8.30 Parent drop off, free play, clean up (7:15 -* bathroom routine)

8.30-9.00 snack, clean-up, books and puzzles

9.00-10.00 Outside free play and games

10.00-10.15 bathroom routine *

10.15-11.15 Circle time, art, sensory, dramatic games, science, blocks, etc, clean up

11.15-11.30 Wash-up / * bathroom and sitLunch

11.30-12.15 Lunch time, wash-up


12.15-2.15 Nap time and / or quiet time activities

2.15-3.30 wake-up, * bathroom routine, clean quiet activities, snack

3.30-4.30 Outside free play

4.30-5.30 free play, parents picked up

* The bathroom routines are set up throughout the day for all children to go to the toilet, so many children have to avoid all different times throughout the day, which goes toBut of course, if a child had to go to the bathroom during this period between the time they would go.

This schedule may result in an apparently easiest for you and your group that is in your settings, but the main thing is that if these routines and schedules are adhered closely to be changed everyday, children become familiar with routines and structures, and has thus an easier time when entering primary school.

Even if you are a parent at home with only your own children,Planning your day is a great thing to share with your children, how it can benefit them in the same way.

Fun Food Tasting Ideas:

With the decline of approach, to talk some wonderful food and taste:

Sliced apples (and served with different dips with snack)

Apple Cider (Let the children, they experience hot and cold)

Maple Syrup (take a class, you see, is how it's done, can have waffles and syrup for a snack, or try maple syrup cookiesa treat)

Pumpkin seeds (as a circle activity, cut top off pumpkin and wash and roast seeds to show children the process, allow the children to pulp as a unique sensory experience handle)

Sweet Potatoes (can try at lunch)

Cranberries (can try in cookies or plain)

Squash (can try at lunch)

Chili (very hot lunch idea with homemade biscuits)

Biscuits (can be done as a cooking activity and served withLunch)

Creamy soups (great lunch idea with a side of garlic bread or rolls)

* For some great fall recipes using these foods, you should visit our website under the section of healthy snacks.

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