Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Education Of Sparta

Above all, the general view promoted by both Sparta and her enemies was that it was a state education. Pericles, Thucydides has to say in his grave speech to the Athenians during the Peloponnesian War that the Spartans their children to educate, to harden and live for the state. In contrast, he says, the Athenians are just as strong and courageous to a completely different education system. In fact, he claims that they are better than the Spartans, the Spartans than to prolong the war,always bring their allies, while the Athenians, who do not fight as often alone. He claims that no force from another Greek city, which has never beaten a full strength Athenian fair fight.

Apart from the question of whether the Athenians, the great fighters that they said was what the Athenians training? Initially, there was nothing formal, with children in the household until she was seven. Plato recommended training them from birth, but his description of a boy childdraw as wild plants and wild like an animal that has the opposite of his fellow citizens, with their small children.

In a world of high infant mortality, which made sense, as did the mortality rate does not really start that until that age when children were old enough to fend off drops (or have survived) the usual childhood diseases. At the age of seven, but Boys were expected to be taught, either in a school or privately at home until the age of fourteen. Because the parents had to pay forthis school and was not enforced by the law, they do not always have to educate their children, or they kept them out of school a lot of time to keep tuition fees or took them early. The tutors, who were either slaves or low born non-citizens were poorly paid and little recourse against parents who do not condemn them or to remove children from their tutelage.

This was, (the much-vaunted high literacy rates even Athenian citizens as opposed to not)-citizens, slaves and womenmay not be as high. Historians have established that could, according to literary sources, the majority of Athenian citizens at least scratch out her name, but does this not indicate a greater overall literacy rate than that of Sparta.

After fourteen years, a boy could get more training, but increases the likelihood that it only if his parents were rich. This means that Athens produced far more than other literary Greek states, at least among men. Athenian girls who stayed on the other side,at home and learned in the household, especially the important aristocratic craft weaving cloth.

At birth, Spartan babies were studied physical defects. If it is not healthy, they were left in a nearby ditch occupation and death. Like the Athenians, the Spartans sent their boys to school at the age of seven years. She sent her girls what she is unique in the Greek city-states in the education of women. The actual etymology of the words "Spartan" and "laconic" came from the methods ofSpartan education.

From seven to twelve years, the boys were named in a state Agoge barracks, where they learned their letters much like the Athenian boys. The biggest difference was that the Spartans talk plain talk on rhetoric and deliberately favored teaching the boys to as "laconic" as possible. The term derives from the alternative word for Sparta: "Laconia".

Spartan boys also used in a rigorous, physical therapy, that not all of them survived. Therefore, theTerm "spartan accommodations" for the basic needs for life. The boys were deliberately starved and is deliberately promoted in order to steal what they need from the food stocks of their schools. They were punished only if they get caught, but the punishment was harsh.

The legend tells of Plutarch, that the boy who was caught stealing after a fox, refused to admit it, even as the fox ate him to death reflected the fears of the young of these penalties. It also reflects the differentPossibility that the lack of food was not so much aware of how Xenophon says, as a fact of life in Sparta.

The boys were also encouraged to steal deals from the altar of Artemis Ortheia and subjected to beatings in front of the temple, often to death. Normal discipline was often severe beatings. When the boys said, a solid, it was called weak and difficult to beat.

For Spartan youth, every day was a test of survival. Older boys had to cancel RiverReed bed linen with their bare hands and wear a tunic, winter and summer. From age twelve to eighteen, the boys came under the tutelage of various young men in the groups above them. This seems to have been a kind of institutionalized pederasty, although Plutarch attempts to reduce it, reduce the moral condemnation of too. He dealt with some embarrassment that was expected, the story of young women that appears in public, before the guys dance naked in short skirts, or possibly even. ThereEuripidian is also the story of the tragedy Andromache (probably apocryphal) that naked wrestling boys and girls.

At the age of eighteen, the boys were young adults, at a crossroads between childhood and adulthood. At one point they were loose in the vicinity of Messenia, which were defeated by the Spartans and their neighbors was now set the Spartans as "helots (Spartan peasants / slaves). Each young man received a knife and told to survive on his own for a period of time. Partinvolved in this roaming the countryside killing Helots at night and everyone who met him.

Young men also became mentors (and lover) of the younger boys and big as groups compete stylized dancing, public appearances of the song and "unarmed". Some historians have seen these dances and rituals (both killing and stealing) as evidence of an archaic, even to the Neolithic period, the cultural survival of the rites of passage. If this were true, it would be an indication that Sparta reputation forImmutability had a basis in fact. Others are skeptical pointed out that the modern anthropological analogies for cultural timelessness, such as the common reference to the primitive tribes in Africa, no longer seem to be even before the colonial period. In fact, these rituals can be a reaction to colonialism. In this case, Sparta called prehistoric rites are probably not unique ritual cheese (to steal, for example, can still prehistoric elsewhere in Greece).

Even were theSpartans unique ritual in the priority they gave, singing and dancing in the preservation of their cultural values. Plato also praised the educational and civic value of song, dance and poetry in his laws, and poetics. It was a common cultural theme of the ancient Greeks.

At the age of twenty-five men were married, but stayed in the barracks life and the will of the state. It was not until they reach the age of 60 years that they could live, what they wanted, or vomitin the government.

The women, as has been said, even went to school. They seem to have been taught letters as the boys (not something that women learned in Athens), but the focus of their training was physically. The meaning of these two objectives, to ensure it, to mothers and to ensure that the force and ability to run the courts and defend Sparta when the men were gone. The Spartans felt that making the mother as healthy as possible to reduce deaths in childbirth, butthat this be achieved through a regime of good nutrition and physical exertion.

Noble women are particularly appreciated in Sparta, as the current program of infanticide and eugenics necessary to ensure a high infant mortality. This was not a better place if people grew up and went to war. To make matters worse, the Spartans were always numerically by the farmers Helots whom they ruled. It was, therefore, the state-imposed duty of every woman, the Spartans strong bear childrenwarriors who would grow up.

The women were also married much later than other Greek women, at the age of eighteen years. The ceremony itself was cast in the form of a kidnapping and rape, fumbled with the new husband to his wife in the dark, consummating the marriage and then goes back to the barracks to sleep with his buddies. This was not surprising, since the arrest of women not for their own benefit, but so that she could bear children for the polis, was patriarchalMilitary machine. Some historians have compared to the women of Fascist states in this regard.

On the other hand, women had more freedom in Sparta than elsewhere. Their husbands were rarely at home and spent most of his time in the barracks, as they were. The women who now run their households in the absence of their husbands and some pride in their learning that suggest that they were not stopped from reading or even writing.

Clearly, not all differencesexaggerated between Athens and Sparta were. Athens was a democracy with the voices of the citizens (at least if the city is not ruled by an oligarchy), Sparta was founded by two kings, and governed by an oligarchy of elders. Athens had a turbulent political and philosophical climate that produces an extensive written record of the debate. Sparta was an obedient population, half of which she kept in military discipline in a perpetual state of war, the other half (the time but haveDisenfranchised) focuses on ongoing businesses and households, and with babies. Athens did not have a formal, public education for their children, Sparta was a universal (and hard) education for the children of its citizens. In Athens, the women stayed at home. In Sparta (or so says Xenophon and Plutarch), the women ruled the men, or at least she spoke her mind and lived to read wider, and life.

But it's too easy to polarize the two cities. Since frequentConflict, she sat down too often on opposite sides, but as the Persian invasion made clear, Athens and Sparta were still members of the same culture. It is unwise to Athens and Sparta in these harsh relief against in comparison to the rest of Greece. You do not exist in isolation but in relation to a complex network of city-states, some of which looked like a model or the other in several respects. Sparta was not specially set up to Athens, at first glance, the evidence, but then seems to Athenswere unusually read and write compared to other Greek states.

According to Plato, the Cretans, as the Spartans raised their children in a strict regiment. And the Athenians were not necessarily unique in its political system. Also, it is not entirely fair, Athens classified as a pure "democracy" and Sparta as strictly an "oligarchy". The citizens of Athens could not have been a higher percentage of the population of Athens, when the Spartans to the Helots were compared.

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Friday, February 26, 2010

H. E. Terton Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche

His Eminence Namkha Drimed Rabjam Rinpoche was born in 1938 in Tibet. From an early age, he would experience various spiritual teachings Welling verses spontaneously in the vastness of his consciousness. His childhood consisted of nothing but play games in order to transfer the appropriations to explain lessons, performing sacred dances, and the like, for he was only concerned with spiritual activities. As the past habits of his early life was established dominant,Namkha Rinpoche began to sing vajra songs day and night, and he showed in many ways, the unsophisticated behavior of a spiritual master.

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The Early Childhood Initiative will create a U.S. $ 300 million in new financial and technical assistance to countries to Early Childhood Development (ECD) programs in Latin America and the Caribbean. The initiative is in conjunction with the ECD Secretariat for Latin America and the Caribbean, new policy options for meeting the Millennium Development Goals Summit 2010 available (planned for September) and the XX Latin American Summit to be held in Argentina later this year. La iniciativa de laPrimera Infancia proporcionará U.S. $ 300 millones de nuevo Financiamiento y asistencia técnica para ayudar a la creación de programas de Desarrollo Infantil Temprano en varios países de América Latina y el Caribe. La iniciativa, junto a la Secretaría de Desarrollo Infantil Temprano para América Latina y el Caribe, presentará nuevas propuestas de políticas de cara a la Cumbre de objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio 2010 (septiembre de 2010) y la Cumbre Iberoamericana XX, que tendrá lugaren Argentina al final de este año.

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Neermaathalathinte Pookkal (Second Part) [ Part 1 / 3 ]

NEERMAATHALATHINTE POOKKAL is the story of the famous Malayalam writer Madhavikuttys childhood. It is the story of their extraordinary relationship with her grandmother. For many, it will hear a nostalgic trip down memory lane, exploring the early childhood memories of scenic Kerala, many of them and see beautifully described in the literature work. NEERMAATHALATHINTE POOKKAL. is also a monumental effort by Amrita TV-ordination of the amazing talents of screenwriter SreevarahamBalakrishnan and Sohanlal, whose well directed, photography by award-winning Udayan Ambadi with artistic direction by Rishi and music by Ramesh Narayanan. The popular stars such as actress Praveena Madhavikutty (Kamala Das), moviegoers will see a lot of attention to detail in their presentation of the famous writer, their costumes and hair matching closing early photographs of the writer. Praveena went so far in her research for the character of a personal phone call toMadhavikutty, which has instructions for their personal appearance and style. She also gave her personal blessing to the actress and the project. This is a romantic story filled the intimate moments of love, but rather perhapsnothing will add a sense for the topic, as an excerpt from the writings of the author herself:

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

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Oasis Gallagher brothers documentary about childhood and the early years.

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Classroom Furniture & the Benefits of Organization in Education

Classroom furniture for students to do more then just give them a flat surface to sit on or a place for them, he can also help you organize more efficiently, to help give your room a number of other benefits for their students.

Unorganized in the classroom, students have a hard time concentrating on their studies because they appear literally everywhere stimulation. There is no specific place for an activity. It's like a child, the proverbial candystore. There are so many delicious treats throughout the child sees that he or she simply can not focus enough to decide, in order to get something to eat. The good news is that they have the right classroom furniture in your room design can help you to improve this situation dramatically.

For example, you should try different locations in your room is devoted to specific activities. One area was for the art, an area for reading, etc. You can use the classroom furniture in order to achieve this separationstay, while maximizing the use of your existing space and well-organized. For example, you could place a table with drawers for storing supplies in the field of art and audio-caddies in the reading corner, so students can listen to read the books that make them.

Classroom furniture can also help you learn your students are organized, which in turn will help them gain a greater sense of control over their own environment. Young people who want to be confronted by disorganization helpclean up, but if there is no way to get things organized, the task may be overwhelmingly, a child. Imagine how frightening it can be cleaned for adults, to the garage or closet, it's the same feeling for children.

If you are using classroom furniture, to help with the organization so that you help make it easier for students who have things neat and tidy. For example, if you have a book stand for classroom books, then students need in a certain place, to the books he or basketshe finds on the floor or elsewhere. In addition, your students can easily locate the books they want to read and can be taught to the books when she finished reading them back. These simple measures now can help students develop important organizational skills that will help them in the future.

Some teachers also have problems in their rooms, because the organizational pieces were used not for children. You can too big, too heavy to open, or just not attractiveon children. Ideally, you need to classroom furniture, which is designed specifically for students in your age group. You want them to see as an organization, fun and simple, so that the classroom furniture should this idea by them easily accessible and enjoyable as an art easel with supplies inside of him where the students can achieve what they all from a need for organized promotion tidy situation.

The bottom line is that the classroom furniture is not only intended for the sole purposeProvision of a seat or writing surface for students. The above tips and other creative use of organizational classroom furniture can help make your learning environment better for all of your students and can help you get started and teaches organizational skills they will need for the rest of their lives.

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Manorama Six Feet Under

Rajasthan-based Satyaveer Singh Randhawa is working as a junior engineer with Lahkot Municipality's Public Works Department and the life of a bourgeois lifestyle with his wife, Nimmi and his son Raju. The region is drought and extreme temperatures, with the local Irrigation Minister PP Rathore, so that large promises of the diversion of water from Haryana and Punjab over a channel that is built on a disputed site. Satyeveer also the author of a fictional novel 'Manorama', that only sellsabout 200 copies. He was so upset by this that he decided to not even have a copy for his private library. To make matters worse, he takes a motorcycle by Seema Constructions as a bribe, was arrested and suspended until an inquiry. Now unemployed, he is from Manorama Rathore, wife of the Minister of Irrigation, approached the evidence that her husband has an extramarital affair for a fee of twenty thousand rupees to collect. Satyaveer takes this offer little to know that hesometimes in a web of lies and deceit, are encountered not only get attacked him in the bad books of Rathore from his bat, but also involve him in the murder of two lovers, Sameera, and Dr. Anil Poddar, assembled more more by the sudden death of Manorama and the disappearance of an orphan boy

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Improving Children's Writing - How To Comment On Their Story And Still Be Friends

"Mom / Dad, are you ...?' read my story

Such simple words - and such a simple trap ...

If a child asks you to read their story, they mean one thing. You've worked hard, they are proud of them and they want praise. High praise.

But what do we give them? Criticism. "That's good dear, but you spelled" Pineapple "is wrong. You need to be corrected."

Exit, stage right, a child in a huff and notes are scattered everywhere.

Well, if someone reallywanted help with their history, they would ask a different question.

"Mom / Dad, I have a 300-word report on elephants do, what should I write?" This application is not accompanied by sheets of paper and get a fully written story. She stands at the beginning of the writing process.

I learned this the hard way when our daughter in the 7th Class was. She came to me with her story. It is a great writer, but I thought she wanted to help improve handling and techniques. He ... wrong.It was two years ago, she showed me another story. "Never before has an author like a mother," she is to know, since repeated mumble.

The urge to correct them, to "make perfectly" is strong in us all. We want our children to get good grades. But we must also understand where they are in the development process. Do you want to spend every Saturday afternoon on a terrace, which have only one, come over and point out that a rock that you set wrong?

So tell your children what they areIn the right instead of focusing on the mistakes that jump out at you. (Sounds like Michael Grose Parenting advice, do not you? The same principle is at work.)

Praise should be specific. (I bet Michael says that too! Looks) is not vague generalizations like "that's great" or "beautiful love" or "wonderful things. Original Praise true reasons. When children know their strengths - they keep found in the use of these techniques you will praise. They also learn to trust them, not as a mistake, butas a mentor.

Now fast forward a few years. Until then, you or your child have a teacher children the idea that it is actually used as a first draft and a second draft. (For most professional writers, it is also a first draft for a second, third, fourth, then an editor of the proposals to write a new and joy-oh-joy, proofreading the draft.)

To enter your child clung to her story between the first draft and second draft. This is actually a work-in-progress and they areprobably still open to suggestions on how to improve it. Maybe I should make is that "suggestion" in the singular, because you can still give the praise. In a ratio of at least 1:3

Finally quit, always with a positive note. That's right, more praise!

Exit, stage right, a child burning with a feeling of success. And a much better writer.

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Friday, February 12, 2010


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Friday, February 5, 2010

Silent Scream

A sin done to our children, early cord clamping. "Silent Scream" * India-Australia Collaboration, Concept Roger Valentine, Voice Over Rajesh Vedprakash .... * Autism is a disorder that affects brain development characterized by social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior. These characters all begin before the child is three years old. The autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and conditions such as Asperger's syndrome, the milder symptoms. CerebralPalsy (CP) is an umbrella term covers a group of non-progressive, non-contagious conditions that cause physical in human development. In higher mammals, the umbilical cord (the birth cord or funiculus umbilicalis) is the connection from the developing embryo or fetus, the placenta early withdrawal cord blood at birth actually increases the likelihood of disease in childhood because of the high volume of blood taken from (an average of 108ml) with respectto the total care of the babies typically (300 ml). The placental blood is valuable, especially interferon-derived components from the blood. The blood of the raw materials can fetch $ 30,000 one ounces of stem cells or interferon. This is the child's blood group, matched even by race / color is desired. It is a legal duty to the child of an offense against the person who is an adult, that violate the protection of the child, not even the parents can agree to protect. * The American Academy of Pediatrics hasindicated that cord blood for self-use should be discouraged.

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Real Richard Nixon: EARLY YEARS (7) - Duke Law School & Pat

Clip 7 (of 10) - The Real Richard Nixon Vol 1: "Early Years" Interview with Frank Gannon In this interview / documentary segment, President Richard Nixon described his time at Duke University Law School during the Great Depression. He also talks about passing the bar exam, and meeting his future wife, Pat Ryan. The video is 38 hours of interviews that Nixon has distributed with Frank Gannon in 1983 during eight days of interviews over several months. Gannon used to work for Nixon andwas acquainted with the former president. Subsequently, Nixon is more at ease and open than most of his recorded interviews.

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Madonna: Driven (2001) Part 1 of 7

Part 1 of 7 Investigated in this segment: Madonna's life growing up in Detroit, including the first film she ever appeared - in 1974 student film "The Egg". LADY DRIVEN 2001 TV special on initial year of Madonna and her drive for success: from her childhood in Detroit, her days as a struggling dancer in New York and the beginnings of her music career.

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