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The Scholastic Early Childhood Program develops the early learning skills and experiences critical for children's future success in school.
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Remember high school gym class? You played volleyball, ran a mile on the track, and ducked before being hit in the face during a vigorous game of dodge ball? Physical education has been part of the educational scene for nearly 200 years. It is vital that students participate in physical education to keep their mind and body in peak learning condition. Currently, the childhood obesity rate is dangerously climbing to epidemic levels. Therefore, the focus on physical education is more important then ever before.
The question is how should physical education be conducted? First, take a look at physical education history. Physical education has evolved over the years. Physical education is defined as "instruction in the development and care of the body ranging from simple calisthenics exercises to a course of study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics, and the performance and management of athletic games (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)." This definition is broad because you can learn several topics ranging from the rules of basketball to sex education. It depends on the school policies of your state educational system.
Physical education was officially recognized in the United States in the early 1800's. Colleges and Universities began to offer physical education programs throughout the 1800's. Finally, in 1866 California was the first to mandate physical education. Many states followed this mandate within the next 30 years. The importance of training the body as well as the mind became prevalent in the educational system.
The 20th century brought varying levels of physical education to each state. Presidents such as Eisenhower and Kennedy promoted physical education and fitness. Children took the Presidential Fitness test each year to assess their physical fitness level. This arose from the need for U.S. students to be as physical fit as their European counterparts.
Controversial issues have played an integral role in physical education history. For example, in 1972 Title IX banned sexual discrimination in schools regarding sports and academics. This allowed female athletes to actively participate in team sports other than cheerleading with the financial and emotional support of the school system.
Another controversial issue is sexual education. It has been the subject of intense debate for many decades. Each state has specific guidelines about what will be taught and whether students can opt out of the sexual education program. Some states allow students to watch a video of a child being born while other states only discuss abstinence.
The official employment of physical education programs has a 200 year history which has become home to controversial issues, social reform, and overall child well being. Physical education will continue to evolve as the needs of the student population changes, societal attitudes fluctuate, and the flow of educational funds towards physical education is maintained.
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There are many different teaching online courses you can take if you are interested in becoming an instructor or teacher. Some of the teaching courses online you can take include statistics, math, and you can even take the requirements for a teaching certificate. Certificates are easy to obtain today if you are interested in becoming a teacher and taking teaching online courses.
Good teachers are needed today and if you are interested in teaching children there are early childhood education courses online you can take. These courses will teach you everything you need to know about working with children, building a proper curriculum, and prepare yourself to be capable of teaching any class you would be interested in. Early childhood education courses online are designed to help you achieve a teaching certificate and meet the requirements of your local state board of education. Always talk to an academic advisor or call the state board of education and find out the steps you need to take to complete the certificate.
If you are interested in teaching statistics classes, you can take a statisics in education online course. This will help you learn how to set up a statistics course and the curriculum. You will learn about teaching the basics and you might even be interested in teaching an advanced class. The great thing is that you can take this course on the web from the comfort of your own home. You don't have to go into school to take this course. All of your course materials will be available through a school website, through email, and other online methods.
When you go through a teaching certificate program to become a teacher, you still need a degree. Taking a degree program will require you to go through basic requirements like online math courses for college credit and other classes. Some colleges will allow you to test out of some of the basic course requirements but not all of them. If you have taken any accredited online college courses in the past, you might want to verify with the school if your credits are transferable. This will help you complete your degree much faster if you start the program with credits. Teaching online courses cannot be substituted and you will be required to take all of the classes. A statistics in education online course will not be substitutable.
Teaching online courses is a big benefit if you are interested in being a teacher. You will be required to obtain a teaching certificate. Some schools will allow you to begin teaching if you are already working toward the teaching certificate. Certificate classes cannot be substituted for any other course. You can choose the classes you would like to teach but it is important to know what you would like to teach so you can focus your certificate on those. Online classes are convenient and give you the opportunity to complete a certificate when it is convenient for you. Always call the state board of education or the local school board you want to work for to determine the education requirements you need.
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Children are a precious gift from God who bless the lives of the families that they are born into. From the time that they are small and innocent, infants rely on the love and guidance that they receive at home to help them know right from wrong. As they being to walk, toddlers explore their world and discover all sorts of things that stay with them as they prepare for kindergarten. Learning to speak and communicate with parents and siblings, small children often mimic the words and language that they hear from care givers and people that are watching over them.
Understanding that the early development of every tot is important, teachers and staff at a Christian preschool can assist parents in providing a safe and educational environment, with instructors and staff who care about what material and influences that are filling the minds of small children, as they interact with grownups and others who they come in contact with. Through curriculum that gives students a creative and fun opportunity to play as they learn, parents are comforted in knowing that whenever they are not around, their little ones are being prepared for their formal education by being taught the values of the gospel through a Christian worldview.
Knowing that they are being well cared for and nurtured in a setting that is founded in the principles of faith, parents are giving their children a head start on their education by allowing them to explore the universe outside their home with the help of teachers who are committed to delivering a quality preschool experience that forms a lasting foundation for the young lives that are entrusted to their care.
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As a mother of three beautiful children, I still find it amazing how quickly children learn. For me, the amazing thing is to know how much a newborn child can understand. From the minute they are born, they are starting the learning process. Starting a new life can be scary for adults and how much they have to learn. Imagine it from a newborns point of few. Going from the security of the womb into the big, wide-open world has to be terrifying. They have to start learning how to cope immediately.
From their very first cry, newborn children have to learn how to communicate with the world. They have to learn right away how to let their parents know that they are hungry, tired, need to be changed, or just need to be loved. If their little minds were not constantly going, they would never be able to develop the communications to survive as a young one. It is unfathomable how our minds work, especially at that young of an age.
Then as they grow, these young individuals develop their own personalities. They can use this to understand other peoples emotions and feelings. They understand when something has changed or when something is wrong. The young children in this world are constantly gaining knowledge and learning what to do with the information they are gathering.
As parents, we need to take advantage of this vast development. A major way of doing this is by constantly talking with our young children as if they understand everything that we are saying. Amazingly, they understand more than what we usually give them credit for. Young children learn more language and vocabulary within the first three years of their life. By constantly hearing their parents and others around them communicate, they will learn and understand how to communicate as well.
Another major opportunity we have as parents, is to read to our children every day. Especially when they are very young, children need to hear adventures. They love to see the brightly colored pages and listen to the different emotions that you bring forth when you are reading to them. As early as day one, it is important to start this routine. It helps the minds and vocabulary of young children begin to grow. They will also become excited about learning to read.
I started talking and reading with my children the day I brought them home from the hospital. My older children love to read. They love to listen to me read by changing my voice to match the characters in the book and the suspense that is brought with each new adventure. It is great to watch and listen to them as they try to make the dramatizations when they are reading to me.
It is never too early to start helping your children learn how to read. The patience and quality time you give, will pay off just by watching your children develop and grow. Watching the young children as they begin to recognize certain words and the excitement they have when they can read the words on their own is simply breath-taking.
Not only is teaching your child the importance of reading rewarding to the child, but it is rewarding to you as well. Seeing the joy and smiles that come from children that love to read is a wonderful thing. It helps us as parents to know that we are doing a great job and we are wonderful teachers to our children. They will grow up knowing that we were there for them throughout all the great storybook adventures. One day, they might even pass the same adventures on to their children. It is definitely worth every minute.
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Different forms of distance learning have been in existence for ages now. Course material was once delivered by mail and an education away from school was always an alternative, albeit not entirely a popular one at the time. But all this changed with the advent of computers and the Internet. Thanks to e-mail, multi-media learning tools, video-conferencing and interactive communication, distance learning has reached an entirely new level of acceptance. Statistics show that there are nearly 1.6 million students in the U.S. today taking advantage of online education.
So, what does distance learning imply nowadays? To put it simply, distance learning is a means of education, which has done away with the traditional format of an educational premise or establishment. Brick and mortar institutions have given way to degree programs and courses available round the clock on the Internet and accessible from anywhere in the world. As more and more schools and colleges include virtual education into their curriculum, the quality of distance learning also improves. It is however, still imperative to verify that the institution offering the online degree is fully accredited by the necessary agencies - governmental or non-governmental - so as to ensure that the quality of training and education meets all the levels required.
There are several advantages to distance learning. Some of them are:
o Distance learning offers flexibility. As long as you have an Internet connection and a computer, you can study when you want and where you want. It also offers flexibility for those juggling other commitments such as a job or family responsibilities.
o Online degree programs are a boon for those who have accessibility issues regarding the school or college of their choice. This could mean that they live too far away to commute (or even in a different state or country) or are restricted in terms of mobility - they might be injured, handicapped or elderly.
o There is no waste of resources or time involved through commuting to class, transport costs and even parking fees.
o As an online student, you will have access to the most current material available as well as have the opportunity to be taught by faculty from around the world. The Internet has removed all geographical boundaries and distance learning can help foster a larger worldview through interaction with students and perspectives from all corners of the world.
o Distance learning propagates self-paced learning. Students need to learn how to pace themselves and concentrate on areas that require more attention. The advantage is that there is no need to wait for slower students in a class to catch up or lag behind the quicker students as seen in a traditional classroom setting. Students also have the opportunity to join chat rooms and forums at any point of time to hash out solutions and discuss problems with the course with other students and faculty online.
Distance degree programs can be less expensive than a traditional degree program with lower tuition fees and costs saved on accommodation, travel, parking, babysitting and the like as students will be studying from home. Scholarships and financial aid is also available for online students as they are for on-campus ones.
There is no doubt that an online distance learning degree can benefit many but before enrolling for any course, do all your homework about the college or institution. There are a profusion of 'diploma mills' out there that offer degrees at ridiculously cheap rates. This is mainly possible as there is hardly any education involved in such scenarios. Avoid the temptation to cut costs and choose a college that is recognized as a valid establishment by potential employers and save time and money in the long run. There are a number of excellent accredited online institutions in the country today, so go ahead and make full use of the tremendous opportunities available at your disposal and take that leap into a more successful future.
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Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) has been seen by many as the cornerstone of Early Childhood education since the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) published the guidelines in 1987. The guidelines have been used widely in educare settings such as preschool and schools, with many educators accepting DAP as best practice for educating young children. Whilst DAP has been an highly successful approach for some educators, other alternative approaches to educating young children have recently been identified. Also, many criticisms of the DAP guidelines as they were originally written have been published. Two alternative discourses to Developmentally Appropriate Practice will be considered in this paper. These alternative discourses include an academic approach to early childhood education and the identified cultural bias of Developmentally Appropriate Practice.
NAEYC's Position Statement (1987) suggests that children learn most effectively through a concrete, play oriented approach to early childhood education (p36). A child-oriented, play based program should address the physical, social, emotional and cognitive needs of the children enrolled in the program. This type of program has been recognised by many as best practice in the education of young children. In practice, this may mean that children spend much of their day engaged in active, meaningful play with toys, their peers, craft materials, blocks, paints, adults, outdoor equipment, books and other useful equipment. Play can be seen as beneficial in terms of children's learning as it challenges them to create, collaborate, problem solve, predict, reflect and enhances their ability to communicate (Education Queensland, 2003).
Alternatively, there are educational programs for young children consisting of direct instruction that do not view play as a valid form of learning. These programs focus primarily on academic achievement (Spodek, Saracho, & Davis, 1987, p178). Academic programs may focus on skill and drills, learning of basic isolated facts and completing worksheets. Kessler (1992, p21) suggested that the increasingly academic nature of early childhood programs is due to their inclusion within school campuses. Academic programs are teaching children the concepts and skills that were previously taught in the first year of formal schooling. Play is often used within these programs as a form of relaxation after the children have completed their set work, rather than as valuable and meaningful learning experiences.
Elkind states that children learn best through direct encounters with their world rather than through formal education involving the inculcation of symbolic rules (1986, p1). These symbolic rules may include writing and number systems, which are extensively taught as part of academic programs. The children enrolled in these programs may have little opportunity to construct knowledge or understandings for themselves. Letters and numbers may be taught in rote like fashion, rather than construction of concepts (Kessler, 1992, p29). Teachers within these academic contexts may provide too much highly structured formal education for young children. Teaching methods can be too formal and are generally considered inappropriate for young children (Cotton & Conklin p1). These formal, content-centred teaching methods may involve a lot of seatwork and children will regularly engage in whole class activities. Less time will be devoted to play due to its apparent lack of educational value (Grover, 2001, p1). Play based, child centred programs provide a more open and flexible curriculum which should be more suited to meeting the educational needs of young children.
The type of program that teachers implement, either play based or academic may be impacted by many things including expectations of the school community. Given the context of the learning environment, different approaches to teaching and learning may be expected. My experiences have been impacted by the expectations of the centre and school administration and the parents of the children enrolled in the programs.
During my time as a preschool teacher working in a long day care centre, I was expected to implement a child centred, play based program based on DAP principles. A developmentally appropriate program was expected and encouraged by centre staff, administration and parents. Parents were encouraging of this approach and none requested a more formal, content based approach.
Alternatively I had a very different experience teaching a combined Preschool/ Transition class in a state school within a remote Aboriginal community. The school administration, staff and parents expected that the Early Childhood programs would be content based using formal teaching methods. A play based, developmentally appropriate program was actively resisted by the parents and they believed that the children were wasting their time engaging in play based learning experiences. Eventually I implemented a more formal academic style program, whilst still incorporating as many play based activities as possible. School learning, for this community meant children sitting at desks, completing worksheets, and learning the English writing and number systems. It also involved in whole class learning. Play was seen as a reward for working hard on academic tasks, not as a meaningful and engaging way of learning about the world.
I found it very challenging to teach using what I believed to be inappropriate pedagogy for young children. It was my experience that an academic program may encourage children to recite rote-learned facts. An academic approach failed to encourage the children to become active, engaged, questioning learners. It was also my experience that the inclusion of early childhood units within school campuses impacted on what the school community viewed as appropriate for young children. As most schools are academic in nature, one might expect similar to be occurring in the early childhood units, however inappropriate this may be.
The curriculum that I was encouraged to implement was very similar to that of a Year One class. This was challenging in itself as most of these children had no spoken English and were of a spoken tradition. The first years of schooling were used to maximise the children's English language acquisition and to learn expected school behaviours. Parents judged my effectiveness as a teacher by how well the children were able to recite basic number facts or the alphabet for example, rather than if the children had developed pre-reading skills and basic mathematical understandings. These children were encouraged to be quiet, passive learners, usually engaged in whole class or table work, not actively engaged in meaningful play-based learning experiences. Another challenge in implementing a quality program which met the needs of the children was related to the cultural bias inherent of the NAEYC's original guidelines.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice was promoted by many universities and teacher education courses as best practice for educating young children. It was assumed by many that it would meet the needs of all children within most educare contexts. This was not the case as the child development theories which underpin DAP were based on white middle class males and therefore have a cultural bias (Jispon, 1993). Due to this cultural bias, DAP may not meet the needs of all children, particularly those who do not share the monocultural values reflected in the guidelines. Goffin states that traditional reliance on white middle class norms should be re-examined in light of the cultural diversity of the children who participate in early childhood programs (1994, p195). Recent research has shown that developmental milestones and expectations vary from culture to culture (Nissani, 1993). What is valued and viewed as normal in one culture may not be reflected in any other culture. Therefore educators need to develop broad and meaningful understandings of their students' cultural backgrounds, goals for socialisation, beliefs about the nature of the child and various child rearing techniques (Nissani, 1993). These beliefs about children and how they develop may differ from culture to culture.
Teachers may need to establish wide networks and meaningful relationships with families and members of the community so they can develop sensitivity and understandings of their students' culture. By developing these understandings and working closely with community, educators are able to prepare a more effective and appropriate educational program. Implementing a curriculum which addresses the cultural heritage of children will certainly be more developmentally appropriate than using curriculum guidelines which are culturally exclusive and reflective of monocultural norms. It has been stated that DAP as curricula knowledge base failed to acknowledge multiple perspectives, tacit knowledge, subjective knowing and personal cultural involvement in making meaning, thereby reflecting a particular cultural worldview (Jipson, 1993, p128). It is important that curriculum is developed using many sources including relevant child development knowledge, individual characteristics of children, subject knowledge, the values of the culture, parents' desires and the knowledge children need to function competently in society (NAEYC, 1994, p23).
Educational programs aim to teach children the skills necessary to function as an active citizen within society. The skills, knowledge, beliefs and attitudes taught should reflect those that children experience within their home and community life. It is believed that children's learning is enhanced when they perceive a connectedness between home and school and when what is valued in one system in honoured in the other (Kostelnik Soderman & Whiren 1993, p48). DAP guidelines (NAEYC 1987) as they were originally published ignored the cultural impact on learning and did little to emphasize the importance of strengthened home-school-community links. DAP emphasised autonomy and focuses on the individual which may be in direct conflict with the ethos of other cultures, which may emphasise family groups and community over individuals. According to Jipson critics have identified major problems with trying to establish universality in child development theories to cultures which do not share the same worldviews, languages or social orientations (1993, p128). Jipson goes on to state that by redefining the interests of the child in terms of the traditions and expectations of his/her culture and by reconnecting the experiences of the child to the context in which he/she lives and the cultural patterns and values which she/he experiences, teachers could undermine the bias seemingly inherent in DAP. The concept of DAP could be transformed to become culturally appropriate practice (1993, p134). The issue of culture has had a huge impact on my practice over the course of my career and have used the DAP guidelines with varied success.
I found DAP guidelines to be an effective basis for curriculum whilst working as a Preschool teacher within a long day child care centre. My students were all white middle class English first-language speakers. I did not encounter any difficulties or feel that I was unable to address the children's needs and interests. I was of a similar cultural background and the program reflected the children's life experiences. My experience working in a remote Aboriginal community was very different. I did not share these children's cultural background. Nor did I speak the same language, or share the same child rearing beliefs or world view. Implementing DAP as I knew it proved to be ineffective and difficult, and was also met with resistance from community and school staff, as previously discussed. My challenge was to develop some basic understandings about the children's culture, day to day life, their interests and past times and world view. I also needed some information about expectations for normal child development and expectations regarding acceptable behaviours. Information about child rearing techniques was also valuable. Most of the approaches, expectations and practices by the Anindilyakwa people were very different from mine. What I knew to be 'true' about how children develop, behave, speak and spend their day was not reflected within this culture. For example, some of the children enrolled in the preschool program were still being breastfed through out the school day and their mother (or aunty or grandmother) was expected to attend school with their child to support their learning. The differences in child rearing techniques and expectations about how children develop were vast. A curriculum based on white, middle class mainstream norms did not address the needs, interests and life experiences of these children. So, I developed a program which was reflective of these children's realities, in conjunction with parents, a local language specialist, departmental advisors and representatives from the community who had education backgrounds. Eventually a program, although based on a more academic approach was developed and implemented with the help of members of the community. This program was sensitive to and actively addressed the cultural heritage of these children.
The new program demonstrated an understanding and responsiveness to the cultural and linguistic diversity of the students and could be considered developmentally appropriate as identified within the revised guidelines (NAEYC, 1997). The new program recognised the significance of family involvement and was based on a jointly constructed, meaningful and contextually relevant curriculum (NAEYC, 1997). The socio-cultural relationships with the classroom had to be considered due to social responsibilities and avoidance relationships. This type of social impact on learning was not addressed in the DAP guidelines as they were originally published. Although, social impact and cultural sensitivity are highlighted in the revised document.
It was my experience that there are stark differences in the expectations child develop, between those which form the basis of DAP and that of the Anindilyakwa people. Many Anindilyakwa children were dependant upon their mother or female carer for emotional support and nurturing. Mothers, grandmothers and aunties regularly attended school with their children. Yet, the children also were afforded a lot of freedom and were encouraged to make many choices for themselves. Many behaviours were accepted as long as everyone was happy. This approach to child rearing and development differs from that of the dominant Western culture, which was reflected in the original DAP guidelines. The program that was implemented reflected culturally specific expectations about how the children would develop and behave.
These understandings were developed through forging relationships with members of the school community, which included parents, and community elders. It is though meaningful connections with the wider community that teachers are able to develop educational programs that address the interests, culture, language, emotional social, and physical needs of the children they teach. The revised Developmentally Appropriate Practice guidelines do much to highlight the need for educators to be sensitive and mindful of the cultural impact on children's learning. Also, that a child-centred, play based approach to educating young children appears to be the most successful and still represents best-practice. An academic approach to educating young children perhaps meet the needs of parents and school administrators, but does not represent the best approach to educating young children.
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To become a public school teacher in the United States one must have a bachelor's degree in education or a certification in education and have had some training in teaching. Depending on the state one wants to acquire their teaching license determines the requirements to become a teacher. In most cases, private schools do not require a license. The required education not only varies by state, but also the level of school one wants to teach. Many states are now requiring that students in the education field take courses in special education. Although states may vary in their requirements to become a teacher, the basics for education students throughout the United States are similar.
Requirements to Become an Early Childhood Teacher
Early Childhood Education (from birth until age 7 or 8) requires very specialized education, since these are a child's formative years. Early childhood education focuses on providing children with the necessary tools for learning as they grow into adulthood. Making certain that young students are physically, emotionally, intellectually, and socially mature is crucial for long-term success. Licensing requirements to become a preschool teacher also vary by State. Requirements for public preschool teachers are generally more stringent than those for private preschool teachers. Some States require a bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, while others require an associate's degree in Early Childhood Education, and still others require certification in Early Childhood Education by a nationally recognized authority. The Child Development Associate (CDA) credential, the most common type of certification, requires a mix of classroom training and experience working with children, along with an independent assessment of the teacher's competence. A certificate such as the CDA may be all that is required for an entry level Early Childhood teaching position.
Requirements to Become an Elementary Teacher
The process for becoming an elementary school teacher begins with finishing high school. The aspiring teacher must then graduate with a degree in elementary education from an accredited university with a bachelor's degree. While in the process of obtaining a bachelor's the future teacher most likely will have to spend at least one semester performing a student teaching internship. It is strongly recommended that graduates then enroll in a professional development program which is one year long. This will give one extra experience combining education with teaching hands on. In addition to finishing the requirements to become a teacher dictated by the university, it is required by the State Board of Education that all elementary school teachers complete educational requirements and pass a test which is based on the skills that individual holds in teaching skills, reading, and writing. It is currently recommended that a teacher candidate earn a Master's Degree in a related education discipline, also.
Requirements to Become a Secondary (High School) Teaching
Becoming a high school teacher begins with similar requirements to become a teacher as those for an elementary school teacher training program. Instead of enrolling in elementary education one would enroll in teaching secondary education, taking the subject to a higher level. The major difference in this is that the future teacher would have to choose a specialty. That is if he/she wanted to be a math or English teacher that would be the specialty. Most students choose to double major in education combined with the subject of specialty.
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Life is all about achieving potential, and in order to do that, everyone must have goals to which they can aspire. That is an important lesson to teach your children, and one that will serve them very well in their adult years. As a parent, you want to ensure that your child has a secure future, teaching them to set goals is one way of ensuring that.
What valuable life lessons can you teach your children by helping them to set goals? Goals provide motivation. Perhaps your child has shown the desire to learn a musical instrument or take up a particular sport. You can help them to set a goal of achieving this is 6 months or 1 year, whatever is reasonable. The important thing is to ensure that your child enjoys the journey towards that goal. Having a goal will provide the motivation they need to press on, especially during times of frustration, when they might be tempted to give up.
Having goals emphasizes the importance of hard work and perseverance. It is possible that your child will become frustrated many times before they reach their goal. Your job is to encourage them and cheer them on towards the goal. Offer the support they need when they become discouraged. Help them to understand that it takes time to reach the destination, it does not happen overnight. If they do not give up, then at the end of the day they will feel a great sense of accomplishment, and will have learnt an important life lesson.
Goals help them to become organized. Plans must be put in place in order for goals to be achieved. For instance, for a small child, a goal can be as simple as ensuring that toys are put away after use. In order to do this, they will need to have storage boxes for the toys. Another goal might be to ensure that their school bags are packed and organized each night, in preparation for the next day of school. Of course children do learn by example, therefore, it is a good idea that you also practice the traits that you would like your child to adopt.
Goals improve their ability to focus. There is nothing like having a plan to give you a well needed head start. They learn how important it is to keep their eye on the prize, and not become distracted. With a goal in view, their efforts are concentrated towards achieving that particular objective. There is no question of them being side tracked by peripheral concerns, which will not assist them in achieving their goal.
When you first give your child a goal, get them involved and make it an easy one. Then you can give them a more difficult one the next time. As each goal is reached, they will gain confidence and their aspirations will become higher. It will also help them in solving problems they might come across, because they are always obstacles on the way to achieving goals.
Snip, snip, snip with the scissors; around the base, along the curves and finally the last snip. The dolls, clad in colorful swimsuits, stood near by awaiting the final cut of their wardrobe. The hours invested in their story panned out while little fingers bent tabs to change attire.
Are you old enough to remember the joy of paper dolls? If not - all is not lost, paper dolls are still on the shelves of bookstores and super centers or available via the Internet. Although their numbers are not as great as they were in the pre fashion doll industry era .... They are still around. Many people value them beyond the playfulness associated with childhood but as the most desired collectible on the planet. Paper doll collecting needs very little room for storage only rivaled by stamp collecting for minimal space required. The dolls are an inexpensive pleasure that is not a lost art. Some publishing companies have even undertaken the replication of older dolls from by gone times making it possible to own even some of the most dated dolls affordably.
The two-dimensional figures accompanied by the best wardrobe for the time period was a considerable luxury during the 1700's. Many of the outfitted dolls were designed for adult entertainment with stages included. By the mid 1800's paper dolls were manufactured in Europe and the United States but were still considered a luxury until paper became more readily available and affordable. Magazines would even offer paper dolls within their pages. This practice appeared as recently as the 1990's with Sue Shanahan creating a new, modern version of the beloved and wildly popular Betsy McCall.
The popularity of paper dolls was not lost on the marketing branches of several industries during the 1930's, 1940's and 1950's. Some of the product leaders of the time that took advantage of this phenomenon were Pillsbury, Baker's (chocolate), Singer (sewing machines), Clark's (threads), Lyon's and McLaughlin (both coffee). Later magazine advertisements that would use the dolls would include the sales of children's clothing, fabrics, cars, nail polish and soaps.
These fabulous pieces of paper were not always colorful nor always of people. Some dolls required the addition of coloring which kept many children busy designing their own fashion couture. The dolls included inanimate objects and animals too. Popular dolls that were available over the past two hundred years included royalty, public leaders, movie stars, fantasy fairy tale style characters, family groups, stuffed animals and even cherubs.
During the 1940's and 1950's a new kind of marketing arrived in the comic book industry. Publishers took advantage of the love of the paper dolls and created complimentary dolls for some of the comics. The appeal went beyond drawing in a new customer base - girls. The publishers encouraged people to submit original ideas for the clothing / costume designs for the comic characters. The comic books would display the designer's name with each outfit chosen. This ingenious strategy appears in the books through the 1950's.
The public popularity waned during the 1960's with the rise of the three dimensional fashion doll industry but that has not deterred many from creating and collecting paper dolls. A quick search of an online auction will prove this fact. Dig a little deeper and do a search at, or and you will find many very talented artists still creating beautiful pieces of art. The search will even provide you with many free resources for starting you paper doll collection.
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Choosing a Montessori preschool curriculum is key to a successful educational program. Maria Montessori's teaching method encourages young children to develop a strong sense of individuality, responsibility, and promotes their natural strengths. When choosing a Montessori preschool curriculum it is important to ensure that the essential core elements of the program include Mathematics, Language Arts, Sensorial Activities, Cultural Awareness, and Practical Life skills.
The number one principle of Montessori education is that children retain best when they are involved in independent active play and learning. The Montessori preschool curriculum should allow for children to play independently, while the parent or teacher is the facilitator between the child and the curriculum.
Another wonderful benefit from choosing a Montessori preschool curriculum is that children are allowed to work at their own pace. This helps the child gain confidence as well as self-esteem- two important qualities that are developed through Montessori education. The Montessori educational method believes that all children have a natural desire for independence, creativity, and to achieve self esteem through mastering tasks. You will also find that Montessori curriculum is most effective when used with small group settings. This is easily obtained for those who are using the program at home with one child, but in the daycare or preschool settings where there are small groups of children, it will be beneficial to have children work individually.
The basics of Montessori encourage and foster independence. Therefore, most Montessori preschool curriculum choices will involve children working from one activity to the next. The teacher never forces a child to work or complete a task but is there to gently guide and oversee. The teacher will ask the child questions regarding which activities the child feels comfortable with and will offer their assistance if needed. By providing support and encouragement, the child will gain self-confidence and master skills according to their own time frame.
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The Internet has accumulated a huge collection of online educational games for preschool and kindergarten kids, many of which are freely available to the interested parent. We looked at a whole lot of these games to figure out the quality of such readily available online fun learning games.
There are a lot of websites offering online educational games in various areas of learning such as early mathematics, analytics, language etc. However, there is one major shortcoming with such online games. This is with regards to organization of such games. We found that most of these online educational games are quite unorganized. This is what we call the "buffet" model. It is like going to a buffet to eat all you want. It can be nice in the sense that you can eat anything you want - you can even start with the dessert and end with appetizer. However, for every course you have to get up and walk up to the food to serve yourself. When you take your young kids to a buffet, you not only have to serve yourself, but also serve your young kids, which makes you work twice as much.
In the context of educating kids online, the "buffet model" requires a lot of planning and hard work from the parental side. The buffet model can make navigating from one game to another quite difficult for the parent and almost impossible for the kid on its own. Looking at such content, one easily comes to the conclusion that parents have to spend a lot of time trying to organize and present content and educational games to their kids, so that the kids would get something meaningful out of it. This means that parents have to baby sit them on a daily basis and put in a lot of a-priori homework on their part.
The other side of the equation is what we call the "banquet" model, where in it is like going to a banquet. You are served with a full 7 course meal, which you can simply sit and enjoy. It is more of a finer dining experience. Of course you will likely not be able to start with the dessert and end with the appetizer here.
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Abeka curriculum is certainly very popular and well known. It appeals to parents because there are teacher manuals and textbooks for each subject. Although it is very thorough and a great base for those beginning home schooling, there are some pitfalls you need to watch out for.
Lots of reading - If your child likes to read books and textbooks, Abeka should be fine for you. Be aware that some students burn out on it because of the quantity and quality of reading material.
Created for schools - Abeka curriculum is used in many Christian schools and is designed to be used in a classroom setting. If you are looking for a school-at-home curriculum, then this might be just the program you are looking for. They have a strong math and phonics program an is Christian-based. Biblical principles are interwoven throughout the textbooks.
Accelerated - If your child is an average student for the grade that you use, Abeka might be too difficult for them. Most of their curriculum is a grade level above the public school standards.
You can find their booths at many home school conventions as well as at many hotels throughout the country where they have displays and meetings. Parents like it because it tells you what to say in the teacher manuals. If you like to teach as a parent and not as a classroom teacher, you might want to adapt the curriculum or choose something more in your style of teaching.
Abeka curriculum is a well known homeschool program that uses Christian values and Biblical principles to teach your child what they need to know. They offer all subjects required by schools along with Bible. As with any book or curriculum choices you will want to weigh your child's learning style and your teaching style to make sure you make wise curriculum/book choices that will give you a great homeschooling year.
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As laws and regulations regarding distance education and e-learning are becoming more sophisticated, more institutions and people trust the online degree programs via the Internet. The scope of courses and educational institutions to become larger and varied range.
The students are now many online degree programs, which select the same benefits and training in classrooms and on-campus education programs. A degree from an online program can comparewith conventional methods. For example, a graduate of an online degree program and a traditional program have the same title as BBA in Accounting, BBA in Management, BBA in Health Care Management, Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems, or BA degree in criminal justice. This is good news for stay at home mothers who have to be coordinated in pursuing their education or for working people, their training in the workplace is interested.
Courses and programs in different disciplinesare now available online. These include the humanities, entertainment, communications, humanities, Graphic Design, Game Art, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Interdisciplinary Studies, Religion, writing, Web design, health & medical, biomedical computer science, counseling, dental assistants, Health Care Administration Human; Services, Medical Billing & Coding, Natural Health, nursing, psychology, economics and masters in business administration, accounting, advertising, e-Commerce Human;Resources, management, marketing, quality assurance, science and technology, Automotive, Engineering, Information Technology, Computer-Aided Design, aviation, motorcycle, hospitality management, computer, computer science, Criminal Justice and Law, Legal Secretary, Paralegal, Homeland Security, public administration, education administration and teaching, adult education, curriculum and instruction, K-12; early childhood, special education, Culinary Arts; real estate;Evaluation; Home Inspection and veterinary technicians; among many others.
Whatever may be your passion or dream, with distance learning, you can achieve it. With online courses, you can continue your studies wherever you are and at your own pace, giving you time and effort to other things that really matter to you devote to such work and family.
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A curriculum based on specific objectives that A timeline should be achieved within certain. When it comes to parenting I find the results of this stilted and banal. Our children are not products, they are autonomous beings who need to be linked to their parents. When I threw the curriculum and easy to create a safe place for cooperation, wonderful changes have occurred within my family. After the expectations for a child to achieve certain goals andTargets a certain time is just under them (and us) to fail. I was looking for a way to reframe the words curriculum, I began with, and this is the best way I can set up in it.
I began to look at it as a musician in a jam session. I am a person who has learned how my instrument, which is in cooperation with the other people in my family all their gifts and talents to bring to our jam session to play. Together we share ideas on how we want our songs toSound and then we will start playing only. What goes in this moment is what counts, not the preconceived ideas about what we thought the song should sound. The art of the jam session is that we meet on common ground, which is the good of the family, then we will improvise and see what we can come up with. The melody often sounds nothing like the original pre-conceived opinion ... this is the art of living without a curriculum.
I deliberately use the word art, no two familiesexactly the same as a painting or a sculpture. In a family jam session standard activities such as meals, television, personal care or to decide what to do on this day, the framework for this kind of improvisation. The skills and knowledge, we do not have at our fingertips to busy schedule, we (parents) not the boss or the lead player, and we let things unfold naturally with our know-how "Only if we are asked. We're like the drummer, the other artist support andkeeps the rhythm going. The magic happens during the interactions, in the space between the participants, no one member can take the credit.
Parenting without a curriculum is control see life with our family as a philosophy of experiential learning that downplays the intellectual tendency to predict, and. The integration of spiritual principles such as "does the following," "search for perfection in things as they are and not as we think they should be, these principles areconscious parents will live by. It's an experience, not a script or a set of dogma! The idea is to live from moment to moment, loyal to you.
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Early childhood generally includes the first eight years in the life of an individual. The training given life in these years a child plays a very important role and help in the development of children. Early childhood education can be described generally as "learning through play." Recent research has shown that early life are crucial for children eight years in one, during this phase because their brains develop and much of its "Wiring" is set. The training experiences and relationships a child has, together with diet actually affect child mental growth enormously. A good early childhood education helps the brain to the same development in healthy ways, wrong education or study, without playing on various other hand, the development of the brain on in. So the experience and learning of a child in the early years, the support them in their whole life.
Recent studies by> Early childhood education has even shown some remarkable successes. There resulting effects on motivation and learning performance last child for a long time. been playing today, in the formation of very important role in a society is, it is not moving properly invest in education children are grown up they are waiting until they reach school age. In fact, early childhood is an important period in terms of a child's intellectual, emotional and social development.In addition, the most important point is to know that growth is the intellectual skills with amazing speed and high proportion of learning in this period.
It is very important to understand for all parents that a child spends the first eight years of the realization of self. These are very crucial years when the children gain self-esteem and learn to associate themselves with the people around them. They develop an understanding and behavior to a certainExtent. For this reason, it is proposed that the early education years, this should be in them focused on educating children about the world through play and to the links. In addition, many child development experts also agree that game is very important in the learning and emotional development of children. A game can have multiple facets and often helps in clarifying different abilities in children. In addition to this, education through play also helps themlearn social skills and develop values and ethics.
Sure, today it is not wrong to say that early childhood education is the key to success is helping build a foundation for God child educational. Every child learns habit and form patterns that are not easy does not change in later years. When parents and educators can develop productive free early education for children in their sample, the children are on their way to achieving largeEducational success. The lack of parental interaction during early childhood may have negative influence on the development of the child. Ultimately it is the equal responsibility of parents and carers to ensure children have a good early childhood education that can help further development of their personalities.
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Music is a universal language. Exposing children's songs and dances of other cultures should simply another aspect of the music and movement program will be integrated quite naturally on a daily basis. In the home setting where a different language is not spoken to expose children regularly to the sounds of another language through music is a good idea.
Why is it a good idea? Young children learn by actively taking part in the process by researching and testing,by copying and acting out. And so it is with learning music, including music (and language) from a different culture, are the basis for the best learned when developing primary language. successful early childhood music program needs a motion to accept as such (including dance) and was quite natural learning in the curriculum. In other words, through music, the child can develop language, mathematical concepts, physicalDevelopment and social and emotional outcomes. Music is, of course not exclusively reserved for the school domain. At home or in a care facility, music, including music from other cultures, should play part of the structure of everyday life. Every child has the right to a musical education. Like other forms of verbal and non-verbal communication, the exposure of music begin at birth and even before.
It is important to remember that not every child is naturallyLearning to sing or play a musical instrument. Physical expression through dance and drama is the way some children prefer to enjoy their musical experience. How wonderful that experience to extend the dances, music and costumes from a different culture. And what child does not love dressing?
In musical interpretation should be no pressure on the child "to get it right," because there is no right or wrong, but simply the joy of participation. If a child feelssuccessfully to something that is gaining tremendous confidence child. This is crucial where the children are suffering from low self-esteem by poor academic performance. The more you can expand the creative arts experience, that is, the better.
Continue to expose children to other cultures in a positive way to win, they understanding and acceptance of others to learn. You must be pointed out, be that somewhere in another corner of the world, children are like her. These children are alsoFun by singing songs, playing rhyming sing and dance. obtained in this way its social values, especially the discovery of this difference simply means diversity. So he calls a sense of harmony and integration rather than discrimination and mistrust.
Studies show that exposing children to the sound, rhythm and intonation of voice and music from different cultures will help distinguish between the sounds, to assist with the acquisition of language skills.Listening is a skill that needs to be taught, as opposed to hearing, which is a feeling we are born. Listen to the sounds of another language enhances concentration. In the time it begins to make sense, understand in the same way as babies, we learned all about the spoken word. Introducing children to languages other than English (LOTE) can not start early enough. Far from confusing children, learning a foreign language actually improves the learning of their mother tongue.
In contrast toAdults, children absorb the language of another culture simply. Children who come from bilingual homes learn to distinguish quickly between the two languages and use them appropriately as well. soon become aware that communication, in whatever form, they get what they want.
Whether in the classroom, a nursery school or home, children are naturally attracted to the sounds of another language. Most adults remember, the foreign songs they learned in school. How many EnglishSongs from the school we can remember? And why do they restrict songs? Include finger plays, dancing and relaxing music. To the child, it is not important, what the words as the music conveys the mood and that's all.
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It is human nature to want to collect something. Some do it out of control while others are so special that her doll collection can be counted only one or two most valuable possession. Regardless of which category you fall into the first rule that must be observed, "is a place for the memory." leaving room for the doll collection is essential to determine whether the collector on the paper dolls or Lee Middleton Dolls concentrated. Plan relieve you in advance, certain charges will be on the storage orDisplay the collection.
Another problem for many is to collect the dolls? ". There are many options when you collect doll. A personal favorite is begins with the heart. If this venture is strictly limited to the resale of that which is based purchase, go with your heart not allow for any mistakes. Follow your heart when it comes to decisions about your collection, if you are antiques, Silkstone, Bleuette, trolls and drawn or Cabbage Patch, your decisioncan not be wrong.
The collection has been such a fun past time for many, that you are never alone. Join a club or start your own. The information is common among collectors of inestimable value. You meet people with a ton of knowledge just begging to share with you, or you can someone who needs you to find mentoring. You can also see opportunities or even buy dolls that would not be available otherwise have done.
Not to restrict where to collect. Many are only available online or from date of purchaseReal estate sales. These decisions are not poor, but do your exposure to new ways to limit of dolls. Visit doll shows, doll shops, boutiques, doll conventions and even second hand stores. Many people are aware of the value or quality in the release of their "Aunt Jenny's" Chatty Cathy doll that smart in a great surprise, translated at an affordable price for the doll collector.
A final proposal is not affected too much about the price guides. Guides are just like them, sound general indicators ofMarket value. Condition, availability and marketing controversy can be expected to dictate price levels. Buyer beware should always be your motto for cheap dolls may remain hidden in unexpected surprises, while shortcomings too cheap dolls can view a greedy seller. Remember that knowledge is always king, and regrets very few are associated with acting with the heart.
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If you are the parents of a child that you hope for a Learning Center to send, you will probably write quite a few letters and fill in a seemingly endless number of applications. A tip: good letters to help your children win admission.
If you are planning to send your child to a private or public school, you are in one of two situations: Either you know what school to send you it, or you do not want. If you are not sure which one is best for your child's needs,here is about the public library, ask for recommendations from friends and relatives, or clean your location and neighboring areas. You can also use the Internet for learning toy.
Manuals list most of these learning centers, complete with its history, buildings and equipment, the faculty and staff, the size of students, admission requirements, costs and other important information. After selecting a number of them do you want, the next step will be to write orthey apply in person for catalogs. The catalogs will give you the same information you provided in the manuals, but in detail. Keep this request by letter short, there is no need to go into details about your child at this point, because the letter will, in all probability, as soon as the cast catalog sent.
A simple, one-sentence letter like this should do it:
Please send me the current catalog for your school.
Yours sincerely,
Afterhave disappeared from the catalogs and chose the educational toys that you would like to apply, it is time to send a detailed letter. Once you catalogs and applications for admissions, you read every catalog carefully preserved, with particular regard to the requirements for admission and the admission tests required. Check for deposits or filing fee requirements. Please do not consult with your school administrators, if you are not clear question on an application.
PreschoolExposure can be helpful. It can be used to teach your child to leave the house without that you get to learn for a short time and in a group. If you decide to register your child, the school consider carefully. Two-and three-year-old will be in classes of no more than 10 children. Teachers should have training in early childhood education. Ask if the staff in CPR and first aid have been trained, and ask for disciplinary methods. What they do, for example, if a childbiting other children?
They should be welcome to visit at any time and in the rooms and the grounds thoroughly childproof. On learning toys, your child should be treated a given individual and encouragement to learn. You should by itself with the latest educational research and provide progressive education and training for the teachers and staff. Apart from following a national curriculum, schools should provide with a unique sense of community and partnershipParents.
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