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Denial is the "ego defense mechanism" that most casual or recreational users or drinkers allows then to drug addiction or alcoholism progress. Denial is very early in Addiction, accompanied by justification and rationalization. This whole ego defense concept was developed by Sigmund Freud and is about everything from his work that is still common in the treatment of mental disorders used these days is left. Ego defense mechanisms are a normal part of the human psyche. They are thePart of our mind protects us from the shock when someone dies that we love. You are what helps us work through failures and disappointments. Ego defense mechanisms have names such as rationalization, justification, minimization, compensation and intellectualization.
These defense mechanisms are our way of distancing ourselves from a full awareness of unpleasant thoughts, feelings and desires. They are a normal feature for most, but for addicts, including alcoholics, they aretaken out of proportion and used in a primary way of thinking. Most addicts, if not at the beginning, are certainly over time, riddled with anxiety, guilt and shame. In order to continue their obsessive, compulsive, uncontrollable urge to use their drug of choice, and respect their unusually strong desire to do or say it, almost everything. I think that most people are aware, but there is something going on the inside that people are amazed.
One of the first known signs of a developingAddiction is anger on someone as much as evidence of their being a problem with alcohol and / or other drugs. Often there is a total rejection of any discussion of the topic. If the addict has been largely advanced in their addiction before they are ever confronted, they are a little more adept at manipulating any conversation about the problem. This is because they have a well developed "ego defense" instead. They have fought with their own conscience enough to haverationalized and justified in defense of their drug on the basis of denial of his being a problem. Most of the drug actually is, in her mind, a helpful thing that makes them more able to cope with some person, place or thing. The chemically dependent, "brain" has been changed to a highly efficient "agent" of protection for the drug-of-choice.
The flood, or lack of, brain chemicals, called neurotransmitters transformed "the drug-of-choice to a provider of" euphoric experience ". TheEuphoria by an experienced Addict is only comparable to that of the orgasm, or true love! In fact, addiction is, in my experience, a love affair with a "drug"! The distribution of their chosen drug addict is very similar to breaking a childhood love affair. begins at a late stage of treatment Addict episode or an attempt to help themselves sobriety, they are often filled with remorse that psychologically traumatic as the death of a loved one.
For many reasons, one beingan imbalance of neurotransmitters (brain chemicals), the Addict will affect his dark, and constantly unhappy when they separated from their drug with a flat. This is a very critical phase, when increased motivation for drug use is needed to remain free, and usually has to come from an external source such as a sponsor, advisor or therapist. If you know what I can relate just said or you can view them in a close relationship, there is a problem that could be life threatening. The addiction is a diseasechronic, progressive and fatal disease. It is in the same category as cancer or diabetes un-addressed.
Help is needed! We, as humans, are not innate equipped to solve problems as complex as the chemical dependency. Mainly there is the psychological aspect of addiction has been resolved long after the physiological problem.
I would like to recommend two web sites as a starting point for all directly related to what I say. They are: &
Self Help Recovery is possible. I recommend that to help anyone who can identify a potential problem in terms of their dependence on a chemical, to seek, as soon as is possible. This is not something you do yourself, though you must, first of all it does for "Yourself"! Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous success have records as good as or better than any therapy program. However, the winning combination treatment accompanied by evenhelp and followed up with self help. AA and NA have many sites but their primary Internet addresses are: &
The sooner a potential Addict addresses the "Denial" issue and seeks help, the better chance that the cycle-of-addiction will not destroy so many lives. "Sooner" is so important because like many other serious diseases, Addiction most often takes more than one episode of addressing the problem. Some success is almost always accompanied by relapse, and requires restored effort and further attempts at overcoming the disease. A good way to look at this is to compare Addiction to another disease of epidemic proportions in our society, Diabetes. It is commonly accepted that the first attempt at controlling blood-sugar levels often works for a while and then a regression occurs.
This "relapse" is analyzed and new efforts are initiated. Maybe a different drug than the first one prescribed is introduced in place of or along with the first. This may work for some time and held other high level. A serious look at the new diet, which was introduced with the original diagnosis is made. The point is that regardless of why the relapse occurred, we do not give up the diabetic, although it may very well be that their failure to be able to take all necessary changes at the root of faltering recovery is. We must learn to look at drug addiction in this light.
f you even think most of yourRemote idea that it is possible that you or someone in your area may have a substance abuse problem, developing country, asking for help! The consequences of this disease are so widespread and so many people in so many ways touched that it is not something to risk passing off as "no big deal"! Remember that our society often deals with this problem with heavy fines and long prison terms substantially the addiction disease, including alcoholism, often also has costs, including that the death mayfor the Addict and often bystanders (drunk driving)! All these costs seem very far to the average person turns to the occasional use to abuse under. Do not take that risk. Seek help sooner rather than later!
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Each teacher has a responsibility, a healthy learning environment for their students. Over the years, the amount of research conducted to help teachers to determine what works best for the students. There are plenty of methods and techniques through research, have proven to improve the quality of the learning environment. Many different aspects of the learning environment should be considered.
A positive learning environment is one in which schoolStaff, students and parents build safe and peaceful environment where people feel accepted and respected and where learning is in the foreground (Stratman, nd). Therefore, there exists a positive school climate where all students feel comfortable, wanted, appreciated, accepted and safe in an environment where they can interact with caring people trust them. A positive school climate affects everyone associated with the school, the students, staff, parents and the community. It is the beliefSystem or culture, that the day to day operation of a school is based. "Improved school climate is a goal to pursue. Educators must constantly try to improve their school climate, the culture of work and the conditions so that students learning is enhanced" (Noonan, 2004 p.64). How can teachers set the tone for a positive learning environment set
There are many things you can do to a teacher to his or her classroom to learn a safe and positive place for students. First and foremost, a teacherto inspire them or himself. You must come with an energetic attitude. You must be positive because it emits. What is the feeling of the teachers and it seems the classroom will affect. The teacher is the facilitator, the teacher sets an example, and the teacher is a role model. Attitude goes a long way.
If teachers are stressed to work, it can be harmful for the students. A study conducted by Yoon (2002) examined whether teacher stress, negative effects andSelf-efficacy predict the quality of teacher-student relationship would. Findings suggested that "negative teacher-student relationships were predicted by the teacher stress. Significant correlations were found among negative impact, teacher stress and negative relationships" (p.486).
The teacher should also share with students the importance of education and the importance of independence. So if they see a teacher about learning and shared ideas are thrilled to be the studentsFeel the same as well. Teachers can also help to create a positive environment by simply show concern for the students and each of them that they are special. They should also learn to have respect and care for each other.
Teachers should regularly conduct research to keep up-to-date on best practices and methods remain to use in creating a positive learning atmosphere. Freda Glatt, a retired teacher firmly believes in the benefits of a positive learning environment, togethersome tips for creating a positive learning environment through the Sandral Sensations web site (2003):
Make sure each child knows that it is important to you as an individual. Give eye contact and a pleasant greeting to each child every morning. Look and sound enthusiastic, if a child is making progress on a skill that is difficult to find. Anytime is a good time for a smile.
Teach students to help to laugh instead. It takes great courage to participate, if you are unsurethemselves. Bring your class to attention by some role-playing. Ask how she felt when her classmates laughed at her. Remind your students that everyone makes mistakes and ... but that it is okay and expected. You do not want to be feared, ridiculed, if they ask a question or answer incorrectly.
Observe your students the strengths and get help all year round. Make a positive statement, before a correction. Her reaction when a child gets aAnswer is wrong also important. "A positive statement followed by a negative, helps to soften the blow and remind you that you care students' (Burnett, 1999, p.3).
George Stratman of the San Diego County Office of Education (ND) has set up a useful list of "10 subtle way to a positive learning environment, provide a useful guide can be created for elementary school teachers:
1st Start your weekend of "boxes". Students need time to get to know upon arrival andcomfortable in their new environment. Make time for your first class to discuss the week and do what they are and to answer their questions.
2nd Use the students the names. You will feel that you know and care about them.
3rd Catch them being good. Praise the group and individuals, when they do well. (Be careful not to praise an individual. Telling the other students that they are 'should be exactly like Suzy "may be counterproductive - and not necessarilyby Suzy estimated.)
4th Worthy wrong answers. If a child gives a wrong answer, give him or her credit for trying and, if possible, their answer relevant to the subject. For example, if you ask the students an example of a decomposer and a student answers "Manzanita," you could say, "the Manzanita is an important component of the ecosystem to respond, so you on the right track. However, I am for seek a living organism that help break the Manzanita into the ground wouldafter it dies. "
5th Give students a second chance to answer correctly. You could follow up on the situation by all students the opportunity to work with its neighbors, some examples of decomposers. Once it is clear that everyone has an answer, say the students (see above) that you call him / her another chance and then, after you made a response or two other students, that student again.
6th Not "zap" students. If a student is misbehaving, tryand redirect the behavior in subtle ways, such as the approach to the individual, the use of his name in a sentence in the classroom (eg "Let's say we were on the track and Johnny foot struck a deer track ..."), or a gentle hand on his shoulder. If you have the child directly and aggressively address to draw him / her away from the group. If you are open to discipline a child before the group, others may be afraid to participate for fear that the same treatment.
7th PhraseTheir questions in a way that is not threatening. It is better to ask, "Who would like to share with the group ..." to ask as: "Who knows the answer to ..." since the latter means that if you raise not your hand, you do not know.
8th Allow time for thinking. After you ask a question or give instructions to process the students time. If you give instructions and ask questions but no waiting period, children who can not slower than others to process, understand and feellost when the activity begins. Students to think not enough time, if a question to be answered similarly feel left are given.
9th Repeat not answered. If a student makes a comment to make, let his or her position stand on their own. If you repeat the answer, the students will be trained, just to listen to the teacher and you will steal some of the "thunder" away from the student. If you think you do not hear the other, have the students repeat the answer. (Note: this technique may not workwhen it comes to 200 people, but is very effective with a smaller group.)
10th Give the students choices. Make sure what your options are acceptable to give you. For example, you can say, "Today we will climb to 'Daredevil Hill," would you do this, such as before or after lunch? " Giving some choice in activities, or at least the order gives the students some control and buy-in for the week.
How parents can set the tone for a positive learning environment set:
Parents can alsoplay a role in creating a positive learning environment (Muijs, 2004). Teachers should expect working parents with their child and school staff to support the learning of their children and the learning environment at school. The Canadian Education Act 1997) claimed that certain expectations for the parents. These are: "Meeting the basic needs of their child, ensure their child attended school, encourage your child to complete homework, take care of their child's behavior while the childSchool and on the way to and from school reasonably communicate with the school staff. "(Canadian Education Act, 1997, p.1).
Just as the teacher's attitude plays a role in determining the positive environment, the parents and the settings take effect (Ajzen, 1988, p.10). Parents can by sending the child to school on a positive note to help. If a parent smiles as he or she wants the child a beautiful day and says, "I love you," the child is already approaching the day with a positive outlookand is more receptive to learning (Ajzen, 1988, p.10).
In summary, with the support and commitment of teachers, parents and administration, each learning environment and should be converted into a positive learning environment. Of course everyone has to play a different role and to fulfill a responsibility to maintain the positive environment. There are many benefits to maintaining a positive learning atmosphere. "Positive is learning in schoolMaximize the learning of every student, help children and young people will help full participating citizens of society, to build a sense of community, savings and economic benefits of prevention cost is less expensive than imprisonment "(Positive learning environments in schools, 2005 ).
Ajzen, I. (1988). Attitudes, personality and behavior. Chicago: The Dorsey Press.
Burnett, P. (1999). The effects of teacher praise on students to speak for themselves, and even concepts.New South Wales, Education: Teaching and Teacher Education. From 15 September 2005, from Eric database.
Canadian Education Act. (1997) From 14 September 2005, from
DiGiulio, R. (2001). Educate, litigate or treat? What teachers, parents and administrators have over student behavior to do .. California, USA: Educational Management. From 15 September 2005, from Eric database.
Doctor, S. (1997). Creating a positive school climate.Towards Inclusion: Tapping Hidden Strengths, 3 From 14 September 2005, from
Smooth, FJ (2003). From 14 September 2005, Reading is Fundamental Web site:
Johnson, C., Templeton, R., & Guofang, W. (2000). Pathways to Peace: Promoting non-violent learning environments .. Chicago: Elementary and early childhood education. From 16 September 2005, by EricDatabase.
Muijs, D., A. Harris, C. Chapman, and Stoll, L. (2004). Improving schools in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas - A review of research findings. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 15 (2), 149-175.
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