What Happened to morality?
I got an email recently that Senator Zell Miller's had GA) speech on "Deficit of Decency 'in America, where he uses the passage in Amos 8: 11 in his introduction. I wish to cite Amos 8: 11-12: "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, God, that I will send a famine in the country, not a famine of bread or thirst for water, but for a word of the Lord. And they will migrate from the sea to see, and even from the north to the east, so they will runtry back and forth the word of the Lord, and find him. "
Although Senator Miller, the contents of the transition used to be a political statement to make the decline of decency, a statement which I speak in full compliance, the passage from Amos about the waste of Israel, or, as another little prophet Hosea said, had Israel gone a whoring, and would then be scattered over the country would be a state where God is not trying to achieve have more pity on her, and then theLord, God would declare to be Lo Ami, not my people.
And since Israel was temporarily from the will of God, they could try to find the word of God, but it would be impossible to do so. She would hide the pretext of a nation under God, but God to his face in front of her.
Paul says in Romans 11:00: 11-12: "I say then come to the Gentiles to provoke them to have them (Israel) stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation(Israel) to jealousy. Now, if to be the fall from them the riches of the World, and the decreasing them the wealth of the Gentiles, how much more their fullness? "(The addition of Israel is done for emphasis and is not a part of the body itself, but implied.)
However, the reality is the thing that most of the world is in fact suffering from a famine of hearing word of the Lord. In a recent survey conducted by the media in the context of the presidential election in 2004,85% of those surveyed said they believed in God. But I venture to say that only a small percentage of those who hear or believe what God says in the Bible.
Apart from that, I congratulate Senator Miller for a welcomed beacon was deviated seriously from the one Congress intended that her office was founded? And like Senator Miller, I have been appalled at the choice of music for the Super Bowl halftime show but simply changed channels andrefused to be seen.
But as Senator Miller and all the news networks reported, and most networks have shown segments of the show over and over again, I am every time it is shown in disgust. I agree with the good Senator, what more could you want as expected when you know that the song title "I'm Going To Get You Naked." Although I was exposing Janet Jackson's breast inappropriate to, I'm not more in the fact that Justin Timberlake said it was disappointed a deliberate act. Come now, Justin, there was a clip attached so you could easily exposed. The fact that you lied about the matter is serious for me as the act itself is a person, the lie will do almost anything.
That is the beginning of the decline of moral decency, if we think about what we do, have to lie. And everything goes back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve fingers at each other and said: "You did it." It is the first instance of "the buck." It must be something specialbuck> Curriculum classes on the buck, because it seems every one degree in those days.
And, yes, Senator, who struts around and take the step was disgusting too. And it was all because Michael Jackson disgusting they start doing years ago. I wonder if there is something about the Jackson family, which we are in the dark. Which brings me to a very important point-family?
I can not blame MTV, CBS or the NFL for what happened on Super Bowl Sunday. MTV hasalways a trash network as far as I'm concerned, CBS is not traditionally the most liberal of the national networks and the NFL players police their high content of rape, with drug abuse and indecent exposure after the fact. What makes you think they would do something about the incident, BEFORE it happens?
Who do I blame? I blame you and me! I blame America! I blame the U.S. Congress! I blame schools, but above all I blame parents. The parents have stopped teaching theirChildren the moral values of our grandparents taught our parents. We appear to be parents rearing our children in such manner that the morality is even mentioned at random in 99% of the houses today.
If you can see what young girls wear, it is no wonder that the number of rapes occur in the world today: blouses are too low cut skirts lifted too high and make-up is caked on their faces as much as one do not say what the person looks like. To many parents blow off all these thingsbecause: "The trend is now," they say. Parents need not have the courage to follow trends. It takes courage to go against conventional wisdom. There are millions of followers, but the world needs a few good to leaders on the plate.
What will it take for America to wake up from the nightmare in which we are a part? Will your daughter be raped to have before the clothes on their backs, or is the online activity that they look like? Parents what is happening around you? WillYour son or daughter have to die from a drug overdose, before you look for drugs and alcohol as harmful to society as affecting and start personally?
A basic set of moral values must be before a child begins to talk to begin teaching. If we say no, teaches that the child, there are some things that are not allowed. Conversely, if we say yes, or if we applaud any action to complete, we send the signal that was good. It is wrong just teaching. If a child does not havehave the basic principles of morality taught until they are seven years old, you are a serious problem on your hands. I think it was Karl Marx, who said: "Give me a child until he is six and I'll give you a communist."
Undisciplined children grow up to be selfish, irrational and often have severe mood fluctuations. They tend to be selfish by focusing on others and to undermine authority. The most undisciplined children's friends and are qualified for rewardsManipulators. However, they have no integrity and are nothing more than self-seeking parasite.
Proverbs 22: 6: "Train a child in to the way he should go: and when he is old, it will not depart from it." The word of God is not taught in our children. There are some children who never even said there is a god. The parents are the attitude that I'm going to have my children, God on its on, I will not hold down my children God down the throat, as it was pushed to me to find.Are you one of those you have listened carefully?
Tell your children, "I want you to learn algebra on their own, I do not want you going to have to do the exercises again and again as my parents tell me." Not you! So, I may ask, why tell them to be different about God? There are none! You know, and I know. The difference is that you become indifferent about everything you are along this indifference by your children, and they are doingan injustice, done that.
I was happy to read what was talking about Senator Miller of Arnold Toynbee's A Study of History ". Toynbee began his 12-volume work in the early 1930s and ended it in the middle of the 1960s, died after 1975. He wrote, as stated Senator Miller: "Out of the 22 civilizations that have appeared in history, 19 of them collapsed when they reached the moral state of American today." He would have really thought it was the end was near, when hestill live, he not be?
French political analysis Alevis de Tocqueville, who visited America in 1930 to learn the secret of our democracy, came to this conclusion: ".... I looked limitless for the size and genius of America in fields and forests, she was not there. I looked in their free schools and not their institutions of learning, she was there. I looked in her matchless Constitution and the Democratic Congress, it was not there. It was only when I went into the churches andTemple of America and they found flames with justice, I understand the size and genius of America. America is great because America is good. When America ceases to be good, America will no longer to be great. "
It pains me to say this, but America is morally bad, very bad. All you have to do, turn your TV to watch or you can walk to every movie theater and see it. Turn on your computer and to see how many things you have trash compare with anything of significance. Wehave nothing on TV today that can compare with the Andy Griffith show. There are not too many of Opie to look up to. There are not too many to explain to Andy Taylor's life, her children like him. Whatever happened to good shows like Little House on the Prairie and The Walton's? Why make, every new show, sex or violence a big problem?
become American is lazy, indolent nation, and it is in this moral corruption, passing on to their children and grandchildren. Yes,I believe America is still the largest country in the world, but I do not think it will be so long if we continue this path of moral depravity.
In Matthew 6: 22-23 we read: "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. However, if thine eye be evil, your whole body is full of darkness. Now, if the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is the darkness. "
Simply put, the Lord Jesus reminds us of asingle, simple purpose in life. Have your eyes are witnesses of evil, and you will not partake angry things. The greater the darkness we have in our being more so than darkness is spreading. You can not expect to understand your child, be good if all they see is bad for them.
Paul, in his Epistle to the Romans, Chapter 12: 2, wrote: "And you will not be equal in this world, but its by the renewing of your mind, consider that you may, what is that good and acceptable, and transformsperfect, will of God. "
America needs a transformation. He must return to the basic principles that this country was the great place it get made. I am a conservative, politically, but that is not as important as mine told me to be a believer in God and the Lord Jesus Christ. Benjamin Rush, one of the original signatories of the Declaration of Independence was asked, are you a democrat or an aristocrat? To which he replied: "I am neither. I am a Christocrat." That's the way I feelto.
The Christian world has two options:
1) do continue to do what they do or
2) will begin a new revolution of love for the truth of the Word rightly divided.
2nd Timothy 2: 15: "Study to show yourself to God approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, because quite share the word of truth."
I will close with a passage from John 8:00: 32: "And ye shall know truth, and truth will set you free." The passage is often misquoted or mistranslated has been toTo read "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." But that is not as powerful as the way it was written. I can be locked in jail and someone pushed me to be illegal and I will be free. But if I have made free by decree, I will never be afraid again blocked for the same charge. Christ has freed us. He purchased our freedom with his own blood. I will be free for ever and will live forever with Him.
America, it is time to stop lollygagging. Christian itis time to take action and the exercise of your faith. If you believe that you can make a difference to you. Why do not you resolve to start to do something right now that will influence your children tomorrow? Children want parents to love them enough to discipline them. If you start now, if you are not doing so already? They are sometimes a disciplinarian, will be a full-time one?
There is a God America! There is a famine of hearing the word of the Lord. But that does not meanmeans that they will also continue. It depends on you, America. What you want to do? God wants you to be great, America, but he does not allow you, if you fail to know more of the truth about him and his word.
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