Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Respect Your Children: A Practical Guide To Effective Parenting by Jay Fitter

For this edition of "The Peacemaker's Bookshelf I have the book" elected Respect Your Children: A Practical Guide to Effective Parenting "by Jay Scott Fitter, wrote a licensed family therapist. This book should every prospective parents as required reading prior to the voyage of childbearing and to hand over children. Jay the best practices for the education of children up to a simple rule has synthesized: respect your child. The difficulty is, of course, in the details. jaypresents us with an example of how the communication breakdown, inattention, carelessness and negligence cause a child to feel alienated and disrespectful. As Jay points out, early elementary school, many parents have begun to address the fragile relations between them and their children harm. Children are granted or, worse yet, how few people seen in an unfavorable way or sit down with too much time. Jay is a set of ideas to help parents with their children, soHelp their children grow into competent adults. The book is divided into 10 chapters, which basically track education from birth to an empty nest. Each chapter contains numerous tips and techniques that are practical and easy to implement. For example, Jay points out that respect begins at birth if not before. Infants must be kept touched and stroked lovingly from the time of birth in order to develop into healthy beings. Touching, caressing, massaging and is a sign of respect, that ifcarried out ...

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