Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Early years education: Sweden versus the UK Part 2 (of 3)

Despite not starting formal education until seven, by age eleven, Swedish and Finnish children approach the top of Europe's literacy league tables. Finnish children spend fewer hours in school than any other in Europe, yet their children's achievements in numeracy and literacy are the the envy even of Sweden. Talking of envy, don't you wish you had gone to a preschool like the one shown in this video? Wouldn't you feel happier sending your child to such a school? Imagine being a teacher there - or simply working in the kitchen! Sweden is not some weird utopia. Swedes just happen to have some enlightened ideas about preschool education. There's nothing in this video that wouldn't work in the UK or USA, or with your children. Incidentally, if you visit you can (after free registration) download a higher quality version of this and other films about education.

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